Three Indispensable Guidelines for Selecting Access Control Software

8 March 2021
 Categories: Technology, Blog


When planning for the installation of a new access control system, you must think about the software required for running the set-up. It is important to remember that the different elements of the system such as card or biometric readers and intercoms cannot run without the right program. If the software is unreliable, you will experience hiccups in operation, even with exceptional hardware. Here are tips for choosing the best software for improving efficiency and security in access control.

Plan for Automated Management

You should think about choosing software that will allow for the automated management of the access control system. In a standard set-up, this system relies on creating access by providing a card or code to employees. Each worker uses their verified identity to open the doors within the business premises. Unfortunately, this design does not provide a lot of flexibility. If there is a change such as a promotion, it will be necessary to make manual changes to upgrade the access control system. You can avoid this issue by choosing software that can be integrated with your human resource database. The database will share information about the employees with the security software. Consequently, the credentials and clearances will be automatically detected and updated for a seamless operation.

Think about Building Zoning

The access control software should allow for zoning. This aspect might not be important for a small business with limited operational space. However, if a company is large, there will be different areas with varying requirements concerning security. For instance, some areas will be accessible to all employees because there is no sensitive information in the area. Certain restrictions might apply when accessing the offices of the managerial staff. Stringent limitations will be applied for sensitive areas like the server rooms. When purchasing your software, you should inquire about creating different zones. Moreover, it should be possible to apply different criteria for access.

Evaluate Integration Possibilities

Finally, you should think about choosing software that will allow the access control system to work with other security elements. The goal should be to minimise inconvenience, especially when dealing with emergencies. For instance, if there is attempted illicit access, the software should link with the alarm system. This will ensure a quick response from the relevant personnel to manage the intrusion. If you would like to enhance the overall performance of the system, you can integrate non-security elements like lighting and HVAC. Exceptional energy efficiency can be achieved by using access control data to manage these features.

For more information, contact a company that features things like integrity access control systems.